Start at: 16th of September
Sign up closes on: 14th of September
Maximum Sign ups: 80
Further sign ups will go on the reserve list
Run Time:
End of Group stage: 13th of October
Finals: Planned for the 3rd or 10th of November
Players will be Split into 4 Groups of 16-20 based on Previous Tournament results and Ranked Standings and Preference. Those will be Split into 4 Groups of 4-5 Players each based on Geographic Regions. 2 Players of each Group will advance into the Playoffs. Top Players of Division 2/3 will go up into Division 1/2 for Future Seasons Bottom Players of Division 1/2 Will be demoted into Division 2/3 in future Seasons.
Prices crowdfunded via Matcherino: TBA
Players will be Placed in Groups of 4-5 players. Each Player Plays everyone else in the Group once in a Best of 2, 1 Match a Week. The 2 Players with the Most Points advance into the Playoff Stage. If players cant play their Scheduled game in the week they can play it in advance. The Last Player in Each Group in Division 1 will be Demoted for the Next Season Scoring System:
Each match Win will give you 2 Points, each Draw will give you 1 Points, a loss 0 Points. To win a match you need 3 or more score, each game win gives you 2 score each game draw gives you 1 score for a match. If both players win either one game, or both games in a match are a draw it's an overall Draw. Byes will give 2 Point but 0 match score to the person given a bye. You may receive a bye when your opponent has to drop out or doesn't show any sign of interest in getting the match organized. If both players don't work to organize a game or if they cant find a time to play they will be given a draw with 1 points but 0 match Scores.
Tie breakers:
1. Wins vs Tied Opponents
2. Median-Bucholz system
3. Game Wins/Score
4. Bo1 Tie Breaker Game
5. Coin Flip/randomizer
3 Way Ties:
Follow the same Rule up to 4. were its a Bo1 between all 3 tied players.
If each wins 1 game, spots get chosen by lottery.
8 Player Single Elimination Format, Quarter and Semi Finals Best of-3 Games, Finals Best of-5 Games
Top 4 Players of Division 2/3/4 Will Advance into Division 1/2/3 next Season.
Players Flip a Coin, Winner decides if they want be Player 1 or 2
Starting resources: 1500resources: 1xScore limit: 2000Time limit: 40 minutes
Group stage:
Game 1:
Player 2 Bans 1 Map (ends here in Bo5)
Player 1 Bans 2Map/1Map in Bo3)
Player 2 Bans 1 Maps
Player 1 Picks one of the Remaining Maps
Game 2: Player 2 picks a remaining map
Switching again for game 3 and 4
Pick and Ban (Role of Player 1 and 2 is Swapped in Game 2 and 4):
Player 2: Bans 1 Division
Player 1: Bans 2 Division
Player 2: Bans 1 Divisions
Player 2 Picks 1 Divisions
Player 1 Picks 1 Division
You are not allowed to pick the Same Division as your opponent but Red v Red and Blue vs Blue is allowed!
YOU HAVE TO PICK 2 DIFFERENT DIVISIONS! A Team cant pick the same Division twice as this would be a big advantage!
Disconnect of one player:
If it happens in setup it's a re-host on the same map same divisions
If it happens after the deployment it's up to the Player who stayed in the game to decide if he gives the other player a rematch
If both players DC at the same time it's a re-host with the same map and Divisions.
If anything is unclear, get in contact with one of the Organizers.
Replays Have to be uploaded by the Winner into the Division Replay channels on the SDL Discord
You can find your replays in game under Load -> Replays, then you have to untick the box for cloud saving. Afterwards they appear here:C:\Users\Saved Games\EugenSystems\WARNO
Please name them as followed: RoundPlayer1vsPlayer2 before uploading
*Players have to use the Name they signed up with with in Games played in the Tournament.
*Participants must not engage in harassment or hate speech in any form (messages, usernames etc.). This includes, but is not limited to:* Hate speech, offensive behavior, or verbal abuse related to sex, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, disability, physical appearance, body size, age, or religion.
* Stalking or intimidation (physically or online).
* Spamming, raiding, hijacking, or inciting disruption of streams or social media.
* Posting or threatening to post other people’s personally identifying information (“doxing”).
* Unwelcome sexual attention. This includes, unwelcome sexualized comments, jokes, and sexual advances.
* Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behaviour.
Players dropping out without a valid reason, cheating or offending might be banned from participation in future SDL events.
Players dropping out without a valid reason, cheating or offending their opponents and other players might be expelled from this and future SD League Tournaments!